reporting by Gia Peterson

graphics by Angela Young

As Cal Poly's fall quarter has taken off, so has the liveliness on campus. Frantic freshmen scramble to find their classes and returning students are kicking into their new routine. The new year promises a fresh wave of motivation to get good grades, hit the gym, and join new clubs, but as Cal Poly is approaching its first round of midterms, students begin to run into a roadblock: the slump. 

The slump begins when the motivation for the new year wears off. The reality of being a full-time student—juggling clubs, balancing relationships, and maintaining one's mental health all at once—begins to take a toll. Students start procrastinating, losing their creative drive, and oftentimes feel like their social battery is on low energy. So what does one do? How can students beat the Cal Poly Slump?

1. Identify the Cause

Identifying why you feel the way you do is vital in overcoming a lack of motivation. It could be that you’ve taken on too much work or even lack a compelling reason to continue to strive for your goals. Whatever the case, it’s important to recognize the obstacle in your way so you can attack it with clarity.

2. Create a Routine

Developing a routine allows you to have a set schedule that can help you tackle your tasks in a structured manner. It’s linked to increased productivity, as well as stress reduction. Some ideas to get started include investing in a planner or calendar, so you can map out what your day-to-day looks like. 

3. Romanticize Your Study Life

Allowing yourself to enjoy your study life can make for a more fulfilling learning process. Creating a study area or even a study aesthetic can help you get out of the slump and even keep yourself motivated to reach your goals academically. One idea that has been recently trending on TikTok is creating a Canvas account that’s individualized to fit your aesthetic by using Google add-ons. Remember that adding your interests, passions, and creativity can help you to romanticize your time spent studying. Make studying a voyage of self-discovery and development, and you'll learn that it can be an incredibly gratifying and enriching experience.

4. Practice Self-Care Days

It’s important to remember you're not a robot. It’s okay to take a break and make time for yourself. Self-care days should be all about you and what you enjoy. Some ideas include taking a drive down to the beach, hanging out with your girlfriends, or even turning on your favorite show.

5. Understand What's Important to You

Taking the time to understand what matters to you might seem like a tedious task, but it makes all the difference when trying to overcome the slump. Realizing the things that get you excited to get out of bed in the morning is key to creating a productive lifestyle. If you’re able to only complete 5 tasks in a day you should choose the tasks that matter the most to you, so take some time to analyze yourself and what you value.

As your academic adventure at Cal Poly continues, it’s important to enjoy the journey and realize the slump is just a temporary obstacle in the extremely bright future waiting for you. Take the time to immerse yourself in the campus’s culture and embark on your own journey of self-discovery. You might find that the slump can propel you into finding a new purpose or even a healthier way to live out your school year. Accept it, take something away from it, and allow it to help you move forward to a better, more rewarding future.